

742 Uppsatser om Depressed adults - Sida 1 av 50

Exekutiva funktioner hos unga personer med mild depression

Results from previous studies have shown that people with depression tend to have impaired executive functions, although it's not clear whether this is also true for mild depression in young people. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mild depressive symptoms and executive functions in young individuals. 60 participants, between 18-33 years of age, took part in this study. They were divided into two groups; a "depressed group" (n = 8), with mildly depressed subjects, and a "none-depressed group" (n = 52). The depressed group was significantly impaired on several executive tests, namely TMT A (p = 0,025), TMT B (p = 0,040), FAS (p = 0,002), WAIS-R Digit Span Backwards (p = 0,047) and CWTa - subtest colour naming (p = 0,001), which evaluated abilities such as shifting, verbal fluency, working memory, attention and mental flexibility.

Beröringens betydelse vid depression och nedstämdhet : En litteraturstudieThe importance of gentle touch related to depression and depressed mood:A literature review

There are an increasing number of people suffering from depression and depressed mood. Concurrently important benefits have been noticed from the effects of massage, effects that can be assumed to restore individual?s health with depression and depressed mood. The aim of the study was to examine the importance of gentle massage in connection with depression and depressed mood. The research was based on scientific studies that were applied through the databases Cinahl, elin@Kristianstad, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, PubMed and the journal Vård i Norden as well as by manual searches.

Barn och ungdomars upplevelser och behov av stöd då de kommer i kontakt med mobbning

AbstractThe aim of this study was to investigate the reason why students contact adults if they are involved in any kind of bullying, what support they had received and wished for, as well as to investigate why student don?t contact adults. About of 150 students, 50 girls and 56 boys (70%) had experienced bullying of different kinds; some had more than one kind of experience. The students expressed that they had contacted adults when they ?felt unwell? and to ?stop bullying?.

Från rätt till röst En diskursanalys av samtalet kring barnkonventionen i Sverige och Sydafrika

In this thesis the positioning of children and adults in the context of children?s rights in SouthAfrica and Sweden are examined. With theoretical terms as children in vulnerability and adults incharge the analysis examines how South Africa and Sweden has been using the UN children?sconvention to empower children and for what consequences in the positioning of children that hasshown. And that adults are positioned as a powerful group with a responsibilty of protectingchildren.

Barns tankar om vuxna på fritidshemmet : Intervjuer med barn från tre fritidshemsavdelningar

The aim of this study is to become aware of how the children at the after-school care perceive the adults at after-school care. The most interesting parts are to find out what they thought made a good teacher, which qualities were preferable and how the children expressed their opinions. The children often spend long time at the after-school care which means that the children?s work environment matters. The children look at adults from another perspective and see other qualities than adults see in each other.

Upplevelser av skam och avvisande hos deprimerade unga vuxna

Depression in young adults is a serious condition causing serious suffering for the victim. By finding risk factors for depression the opportunity for early preventive action is increased, which, in turn, may prevent a negative course. Two risk factors which have been shown to be related to depression are shame and rejection. Therefore this study examined the relationship between shameproneness, rejection sensitivity, shame-related events and depressive symptoms. The self-report questionnaires used were TOSCA, RSQ, Shaming index and BDI-II.

?Biblioteken vill bara vara hippa? ? en studie om ungdomars attityder till bibliotekens marknadsföring på sociala medier.

The aim of this thesis is to examine young adults? attitudes towards libraries marketing in social media. Libraries mainly use social media to reach out to young adults. However, young adults mainly use social media to communicate with their friends. The question that arises is if young adults are interested in communicating with organizations such as libraries on social media.

Chatt : en kvalitativ studie av ungdomars och vuxnas värderingar och åsikter om chattens sociala funktion, innebörd och konsekvenser för ungdomar

The youth of today grow up with all the new ways to communicate that new technology provides. A lot of young people chat on the Internet. Adults often lack experience and knowledge about this way to communicate. This is a study of teenagers and adults values and views on teenagers online chatting. It focuses on area of use, meaning and effects on young people.

Bilderbokens förmåga att skildra relationer : Analys av fem bilderböcker med fokus på relationen mellan barn och vuxna

This study analyses five different picture books from the last few decades. The aim of the analysis was to investigate how relations between children and adults are presented in the picture books. One way to achieve this has been to focus on the adults? presence or absence in the narrative, and also what kind of authority the adult(s) can have in the action and how it can affect relations between children and adults. The idea is that this degree project can be adapted for practical use in school.

Psykodynamiskterapi med unga vuxna : Psykoterapeuters perspektiv

    Abstract The aim of this paper is to highlight experiences gained by psychotherapists in their work with young adults.  Aspects looked at include: recurring themes, the process of diagnosing young adults, the therapeutic alliance, and the therapeutic techniques.  Six experienced psychodynamic therapists were interviewed, and a semi-structured interview method was used. The results show a high level of agreement between the therapists as to their experiences and conclusions of psychotherapy with young adults.Results presented in this paper suggest that there is a difference between psychodynamic therapy used with young adults, and the more traditional psychodynamic therapy.  The most important difference turned out to be the approach of the therapist toward the patient, where a more active and distinct approach by the therapist to the here-and-now situation was to be preferred. All six therapists came out strongly against the use of the DSM manual when diagnosing young adults. The importance of understanding young adults and their difficulties from a psychological development point of view was stressed, as well as the importance of taking the approach that the years of young adulthood bring their own issues and concerns. It is clear from these interviews that there is a strong need for the establishment of institutions or centres specifically tailored to meet the needs of young adults for psychotherapeutic treatment at an early stage and in an adequate way, in order to avoid unnecessary ?pathologising? of their specific problems.  .

Läsförmåga hos vuxna med intellektuell och/eller kommunikativ funktionsnedsättning som deltar i daglig verksamhet

The aim of the study was to examine the reading ability of adultswith intellectual and/or communicative disabilities. The group adults withintellectual and/or communicative disabilities consisted of 66 individuals.One control group consisting of 36 children aged 7 to 12 years and onereference group consisting of 14 adults were used. Participants were given anumber of language and reading related tests. Adults with intellectual and/orcommunicative disabilities had significantly lower results than the adultreference group regarding all tests and significantly lower results than thechild control group regarding phonological processing. There was nodifference between adults with intellectual and/or communicative disabilitiesand the child comparison group regarding word decoding and readingcomprehension.

"Periodare" hos socialtjänsten? : En undersökning om unga vuxnas behov av försörjningsstöd

The purpose of this study is to find out how social workers in one medium and one smallmunicipality in central Sweden perceive the need of financial support for young adults formore than one year and what the causes might be. To answer our research questions aqualitative research method was used and four social workers were interviewed. The resulthas been analyzed based of social exclusion, stigma, as well as on structural and individuallevel and linked to previous research. Our results show that although young adults are anexception for long duration for financial support, there are those who lack other means ofsupport for a long time. The results also show that young adults often are recurring in thesocial services, and they are long-lasting.

Den omkastade hierarkin : Framställningen av barn och vuxna i tre bilderböcker från olika tidsperioder

The aim of the study is to show how children and adults are described in three picture books, examining how children and adults are portrayed in text-and-picture narrative and how this has changed over time. We have analysed how the characters in the books are presented and how the representation of children and adults has changed in our own times.The material for the study consists of three picture books from different periods, with the focus on how children and adults are described as the common point of departure. The analysed picture books are: Tomtebobarnen (Beskow 1919), Aja baja, Alfons Åberg! (Bergström 1972) and Snäll (Dahle 2008).We have arrived at the conclusion that a text-and-picture narrative is in very large measure a reflection of the outlook on children, childhood and child rearing at the time when the book was published. The result shows that the greatest change that has happened is that parents? and adults? dominance in the books has declined over the years, and that children have been given a more prominent role.

Mediekonsumtion som verktyg för ungdomars identitetsbildning : En kvalitativ studie om hur ungdomar använder medier för att påverka andras bild av deras identitet

The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent  young adults use media to create the image of themselves. The questions we wanted to answer was as follows: what does the media use of young adults look like compared to their attitudes towards media content; what awareness do they have of other young adults attitudes concerning media content; and finally, how do these attitudes affect their own media use?Media consumption is a great part of  the daily lives of young adults living in Sweden: the national  average media consumption is seven hours a day, for 15-24 year olds. This provides a new way for young adults to express their identity - by showing their use of different media content, they can change other's perception of themselves.The method we used in our study was a combination between a quantitative and a qualitative method. We first made a survey in three classes with senior year high school-students, in a Swedish school.

Lek på förskolan : En observationsstudie om barns lek och vuxnas deltagande i lek på två förskolor

The study which has been made is a qualitative observational study where play forms and participation of adults were observed in two preschools. The word play is defined in the study with an ?as-if? ?nature based on Knutsdotters definition which differs play and activities from each other. The observed play form has been analyzed according to the concept of imitation and imagination play. To get a complete base of the study a few children on some occasions drew what they played or would like to play.Through photographs of these drawings and how the children described and explained what they drew a connection could be made with the children?s play forms.

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